Generación STEM
Generating STEM Student Success at Texas State
Generación STEM uses a proactive, wrap-around approach to enhance undergraduate STEM student success through multiple initiatives.
Individualized Student Support
Success coaching and advising will provide individualized student support for incoming freshmen and transfer STEM students.

Transfer Navigation Support
Generación STEM will support students through the transfer navigation process by enhancement of existing and initiation of new transfer articulation agreements with 2-year HSIs.
STEM Experiential Education
Generación STEM aims to enhance STEM-based career attainment through the development of work-based learning experiences and professional development programming for students that includes in-demand business skill-building and curricular alignment.

Faculty Professional Development
One of the main aims of the Generación STEM program is to offer professional development to STEM faculty with an overall goal of improving student engagement and learning outcomes in STEM courses.
Meet the Generación STEM Team
Generación STEM Mission
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Find out more about the Generación STEM program.
Texas State University was designated a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) in 2011. Since receiving the designation, we received over $48.7 million in awards from HSI targeted programs which enhanced academic offerings, research opportunities, and program quality.